To make a truly Malaysian cup of teh tarik you need 3 ingredients:
- Your black tea of choice: tea bags, potbags or loose tea leaves
- Condensed Milk / Sweetened Creamer
- Evaporated Milk
Teh Tarik is best shared so this recipe can serve 4 to 5 people.
The Tea Brewing
- A good cup of Teh Tarik, it needs a strong or ‘KAW’ black tea. Use around 30 grams of black tea (it can be in the form of tea bags, potbags or tea leaves) and let it brew in 1000ml of freshly boiled water for about 10 minutes. Once the tea colour is deep red, remove the tea bags or strain It to remove the tea leaves.
The Milky Creaminess
- In a 200ml cup, add in 3 tablespoons of evaporated milk and 2 tablespoons of condensed milk. You can adjust the quantity to your liking and a rule of thumb is; add more evaporated milk to make it creamier and add more condensed milk to make it sweeter.
The Tarik
- Pour the brewed tea into the cup, stir it and (to avoid making a mess) move to the sink. Take a slightly larger cup and pour the tea into the cup while gradually lifting the pouring cup higher until it is empty – this is the tarik or pull motion. Repeat this step 3 times or until you get your desired frothiness. The higher your pull your tea, the frothier it becomes.
The Serve
- Serve your Teh Tarik immediately. It goes perfectly with any pastries or treats you have in mind. Enjoy the deliciousness of a creamy, frothy cup of Malaysian Teh Tarik as we celebrate Hari Merdeka!
You may also be interested in: BOH Black Tea Collection
If you are in the mood for some tea check out some of our selection below, or click here to explore our wider selection of teas: