Teh Tarik is widely accepted as our national drink. It is enjoyed by millions of Malaysians and each of us has our own taste on what we consider a good cup of teh. Some like it strong, some prefer Teh O (no milk) but most of us love a good cup of Teh Tarik. It is a quintessential Malaysian drink that represents the uni-TEA among us Malaysians, a drink we can all enjoy, however we like.
This Merdeka (National Day) and Malaysia Day it is more important than ever to celebrate the unity among Malaysians. Much like the theme for this year’s celebrations, ‘Malaysia Prihatin’ (Malaysia Cares), the global pandemic has shown the caring nature of our people.
During the Movement Control Order (MCO) and now, the recovery Movement Control Order, you hear everyday stories of kind acts by the rakyat (people) to help frontliners and vulnerable communities. Some bought provisions for families in need, made face masks for frontliners and those who couldn’t afford them, some took care of their neighbour’s pets as their owners were unable to return to Malaysia during the MCO, and many other compassionate acts. Even though all of us were fighting against a virus, the spread of kindness and generosity was evident among Malaysians and people from other nations across the world.
It is heart-warming to see people from different backgrounds and ethnicities take care of one another in these unprecedented times. Rest assured Malaysians, we will pull through. Just as the Malaya Tiger symbolises strength and willpower, Malaysians will come out from this pandemic stronger and better united. As such, in the spirit of Merdeka let us all raise our Teh Tarik to celebrate our uni-TEA as one people, and one nation. Selamat Hari Merdeka and Selamat Hari Malaysia.
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If you are in the mood for some tea check out some of our selection below, or click here to explore our wider selection of teas: